Monday, June 25, 2012

Mouse Cookie

Back in May (sorry for the month long vacation from the blog ... and much of my "routine" life), Lil Sis and I went on a special date. It was part of her birthday present. The two of us had an entire day together! We went out to lunch at Paradise Bakery for fruit, sandwiches and cookies. Then went to the Portland Children's Theatre's production of "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie."  Since Lil has only been to one movie in the cinema and had never been to a play, we had lots to talk about. It was a blast. After the show, the characters came out to sign autographs. Lil didn't want to actually talk with them, but stood nearby mesmorized and staring in wonder at the person dressed up like a mouse. I wonder what was going through her mind. :)

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