Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Full on Monet

We learned about Claude Monet and the impressionist painting style.
So, just like Monet, we left the "studio" and headed outside to paint a nature scene.

Everyone had a sponge, and tins full of paint. We followed instructions to make similar but unique paintings. We began with taping a "fence" to the painting, then worked on the grass, then sky, then a small pond on the corner of the page.

It was gorgeous weather, and the girls concentrated and tried their best.

After our sponge work, we painted a few detailed lily pads.
This is about the time when I had to call Poison Control for E! (I think this was my first call to them.) In a small window of opportunity, he had sucked paint off of a sponge. His mouth was a nice white/blue mix. Luckily, water did the trick ... whew!

Here's Lil Sis' painting before we took the fence off. Isn't it marvelous!?

Here's Big Sis' painting after the paint came off, making a nice white fence. I love her sun and lilies. She took great care with this painting. Looks fabulous!

Here's mine and E's ... I'm telling you, school is too fun for Mommy not to participate. E! even helped me out by adding bursts of red. :) I really like it. Not sure if anyone else obsessed over the movie "Clueless" in their teenage years - but I'll give a prize to anyone who can quote the Monet-related line from the movie.


Michelle said...

Wow, those paintings look great!

Train Gang said...

"...Do you think Amberly's pretty?"

ha ha! love the Clueless reference.

The ART is FANTASTIC!!! I love how each picture is a different version of the same scene. too fun. slap those babies on the fridge!!

Jes said...

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! D you'll get something fab - someday! "She's a full on Monet - from far away she's ok, but up close it's a big ole mess!" Lol ... oh dear, I can't believe I let my brain melt watching it sooo many times.