Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March Randoms

We're studying the Book of Mormon right now, and we have these cute character cards to help us know who's who. Every few days there's a new face to add, and a new testimony to hear. We start by singing "Book of Mormon Stories that my teacher tells to me ... all about the Lamanites in ancient history .... long ago our fathers came from far across the sea ... given this land, if they live, righteously ..." I think this 15 minute scripture study is one of the girls' favorite parts of the day.

Our cousin Delainey came over with Grandma and Papa on St. Patrick's Day.
We taught the littlest ones how to play "Duck, Duck, Goose" and sipped green smoothies.

And had a dance party! ... though to be honest, I think we just freaked Delainey out. :)

He got some Easter eggs - athletic ball style.
He loves taking them apart and putting them back together.

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

I saw these ball eggs and wanted to buy them for E! ...then thought, I KNOW they have these by now!!! and you do!

and love Princess P's face. classic. (the not picture worthy one...also: do you have that book? Princess Penelope? I just always see it and think of you guys).