Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday field trip with friends

I have a goal to play with friends each Friday - and if it's educational, that's a plus. In the Poe Gnome School of Learning, we're calling it "Friday field trip with friends." On a whim, I posted an invite on a local homeschooling group Internet message board - and people actually showed up! We had about 15 children playing in the dahlia fields, between 1 and 7 years old. We read all the flower names, then went back to the picnic table to color and name our own dahlia; then we had a picnic and watched the koi pond. Thankfully, it didn't rain on us!

Here are some of the little ones ... standing still to say "cheese" wasn't on their wish list.

Coloring pics. Big Sis created two flowers, one peach and one pink ... and named "Peach" and "Pink." Lil Sis created a blue flower and named it "Honey Daddy" ... and she wrote it out!
(That's a new skill for her!)

Very good. Very, very good!

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