Sunday, September 25, 2011


I re-learned an important lesson this week during math time. I'm reading a book called "Playful Learning" (love it), and that's exactly what I want our homeschool to be like. To my little angels, life is one big game right now. They're figuring out the rules, trying it out and laughing as they go. If what we're learning is in the style of a game, we're smiling, laughing and learning simultaneously. It's magical. Now, it doesn't happen all the time (I'm not a miracle worker!) but when it does, life feels picture perfect.

So, for example the first picture above is Lil Sis doing some counting puzzle ... It was kinda fun, and it taught it's lesson ... BUT, counting beads into cupcake liners because we're making mini-cakes for the queen and we must get done before her birthday, is much, much more fun! We had to hurry, make the cakes with the correct number of ingredients, cook them, let the cool and present them to the queen - and we had a time limit. It was a blast! Don't they look yummy?

Here she is building Jenga block towers as high as the cards say
... not letting them tip and placing them in different ways brought smiles.

Here's Big Sis trying to stay focused on her addition when Baby Bro wants to steal the show.

And lastly, placing jewels on top of pirate dice before the wicked pirates from the ship across the sea come to steal the loot left these ladies in squeals of delight.

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