Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Making memories

I remember when we first got married I thought, "It'll be so fun to look back at these days; when we're poor and eating out of pizza boxes by candlelight." And ya know what? Those are fond memories. Now days, the memories we're making are a little different - but make me smile just the same.
Like in the mornings, when we snatch the kids from their beds and try to get everyone downstairs to take Daddy to work (cuz he can't drive) - the whole scenario is entertaining. I really wish we had a video recorder going sometimes. After I put on 7 socks (Alex can still put on one of his own) and make several trips up and down the stairs, we get to help Daddy down the stairs. Every time, when he sits on his bottom to scoot down like our toddler, while balancing himself and a sleepy kiddo on his lap, and as I hold the "dead leg" up and carefully maneuver backwards, we make eye contact and start laughing. It really is quite a sight - and honestly, even though we're rushing and I feel like a chicken with its head chopped off, the whole scene happens because of love ... I'm so thankful we love each other!

Speaking of love ... our girls are loving the treats Daddy's been scoring. Check out this "Cookies By Design" basket from Alex's work. Big hit!
Oh, and here they are with their Easter baskets. I love that Easter was on Conference Sunday - we all felt sick, so we stayed in PJs, colored pics and listened to the prophets. Though frilly dresses and family gatherings are great, this year we only needed/wanted physical and spiritual healing and rest.

The girls continue to learn about anatomy with all the health issues going on. Big Sis got a kick out of putting together this skeleton paper puzzle ... and Lil keeps pulling it out of the bag, so she must like it too.
Big Sis checked out a book at the library that teaches addition using dominoes. She liked finding the real dominoes to match the pictures in the book, and then to say the "equations" out loud. So stinkin' cute.


Train Gang said...

Glad you have a sense of humor about it all. the turtles made me laugh! that was sweet.

ALSO: the Easter basket picture...when I first looked I thought Lil' was with a friend...then I realized it was HER SISTER! Big Sis is looking so grown up that I didn't even recognize her!!! :( sad when the "little girl face" is replaced by a "big girl face." But what cuties. can't wait to see handsome brother

Rognon Photographers said...

You are amazing Jes!