Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy 28th birthday, Daddy!

He is indeed 28 years old. Not 27. I wrote 27 on his homemade card - and wrapping paper. Oops. But he forgave me sweetly. We went for ribs (as is tradition) to a place called Busters this year. Yum.
I know I don't get "mushy" or declare my love in lengthy blog entries about him - but for his birthday, may I just say that I'm very blessed to have him as my eternal companion. And I'm always smitten with what a gentle, caring and fun dad he is - Avery adores him too. Ok, that's enough of that. :) Happy Birthday, Bumba!


Raina said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I love birthday parties but not so much the actual birthday as much anymore.
Hope it was tons of fun!!! Happy 27th (i mean) 28th birthday :D!

Train Gang said...

thats ok...remember my card said happy 29th???!!! thats gotta suck...Alex, I really didn't think you were an old man like Robb, but I had already sealed the card when I realized the mistake...I just giggled instead of doing a new one.