This was tricky to capture on film, because Avery would freeze up when we'd ask her to perform the pumpkin song on demand. But Daddy had the idea of letting her watch herself as she sang it - so he swiveled the screen around and she stood in front of it. At one point in the song, you can see her sort of pause and realize that's her moving and singing on screen ... then she falls down. lol. She's funny. Hope you enjoy the song!
She did such a good job. What a big girl.
Too cute! Trent has been singing this all month!!! I love it!
I want to EAT Avery she is so cute. her voice makes me want to pinch her cheeks!!!!! eeeeeekkkkk! (that is the sound I make when I pinch cute cheeks). I bet her favorite part is "out went the lights."
ok... that was perfect!! I think she is brilliant. Hopefully she can teach Trenton.
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