Monday, September 09, 2013

Pioneer children

My children dream of going to a nearby field and playing like Laura and Mary Wilder from "Little House in the Big Woods."  They could be there all day, armed with nothing but twigs and branches - if we had plenty of food. :) Although we didn't get to our field often enough this summer, we did host a pioneer day adventure for all the cousins. Look at that mighty pioneer crew! :)

GPa set out to making us a tent with only a tarp, some rope and the sticks on the ground. It turned out better than anything I could have conjured up, that's for sure!

The kids took some freshly picked carrots from GMa/GPa's garden (we pretended to pick them on the farm), and washed them in the river (which was really a bucket of water). Then they ate them like good little pioneers.

We also made our own butter for some pioneer cornbread. Shake it!

And everyone got to husk their own ear of corn and dress up their own corn cob baby doll. This toy lasted a long time in our house! Eventually, I found the shriveled up a corn cob between couch cushions ... that's when it had to go.

We played a game where trials would happen along a journey, and the pioneer children needed to work together to come up with a solution. Here we are in our tent during a storm - luckily, the children gathered all of the farm animals after they scattered from the thunder and lightening!

And here they are getting water from the "well" (cooler) and taking it to the other bucket - but they had to use the water pouches they had created by folding paper. Lil Sis said this was her favorite part of the whole day. Ha!

GMa and Mr. M.

Be careful! GPa's armed.
It was a fun time and I hope the kids will remember the silly adventures we try to stage for them.


Michelle said...

Thanks for inviting us, Jes. We had a blast!

G-Pa said...

Love the pics! That was fun! Thank you!