Sunday, June 30, 2013

Happy Birthday E! - you're 3!

Be prepared for some really cute pics of this smiley guy!
His charismatic energy radiated throughout the day as he declared, "I'm a big boy! I'm three!"

As soon as he woke up, in his Superman pjs, he flew downstairs ready to see the room decorated for him.  

He dove right into the presents - attacking them full speed and practically yelling at them, "I'm three! I'm a big boy!"

His sisters got him this mask and a water gun.

Then he got a baseball helmet.
(I think he's trying to raise up three fingers in this pic. Ha!)

Then he added a bat!

Next came a full on U of U baseball uniform! Now he's looking like a professional athlete!

GG and Joe Joe got him an aluminum "Mega Thirsty" water bottle with a T-Rex on it.

Baseball began before breakfast ... and continued throughout the day.

Heavenly Father really blessed us with a rain free night and an open field to play on (we had driven around to several occupied fields and were starting to get nervous!).

His cousins got him an awesome paddle ball set!

We sang, "Take me out to the ball game" and "Happy Birthday" before blowing out the giant cookie candles.

Three boys and their mitts.

Go Poes!

Go Rognons!

Zerberts for GPa!

We're so thrilled to have E! in our family! He brings joy, laughter and energy - a lot of energy!
and now he's three!!

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

too much cuteness! the one with the helmet and the mask at the same time?? Priceless!!