Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Happy 33rd

Big shout outs to these three little people, who were so excited for my birthday (tho you can't tell by E!'s serious face - ha!).

They were so generous and kind and genuinely happy for their mom. It was so cute!

Also, big thanks goes to Alex, who organized and planned my bday picnic. He ordered my favorite giant cookie - and had it cutely decorated too. :)

The weather was wonderful, and we went to our favorite picnic spot and enjoyed family and fun in the sun.

And some kite flying too!

Alex insisted on getting all 33 candles going at once! This was my favorite part. Everyone tried to block the breeze and sing the song. It worked - and we didn't burn the forest down!

GG - thank you for the hot pads and hot holders!
The kids were REALLY thrilled with the cookie cutters! :)

After a nature walk, it was time to get back to reality.

Here are the four women of the evening.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes, loves and gifts!
Family is the greatest gift of all!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Haha, I look like a giant. Pretty awesome. :) Glad you had a happy 33rd and you let us come celebrate the fun! :)