Friday, December 07, 2012

Happy little gnomes

We have a new love: Bob Ross.
We rented one of his DVDs from the library, and it was an instant hit.
Even E! yells out, "Bob Ross! Bob Ross!" at times.
One night we got out blank sheets of paper, clean paintbrushes and empty containers. We painted right along with Bob Ross, but without any paints. We made some real masterpieces.

You can now hear sayings like this around our house:
"those are some happy little trees."
"there are no mistakes, just happy accidents."
"make it any way you want - it's your world."
and "I need some midnight black and emerald green" ... lol.


Train Gang said...

Love the quotes! I'm passing on one of those to my classes!

Poe said...

You forgot "Beat the devil out of it"

Poe said...

You forgot "Beat the devil out of it"