Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Homschool: "Right on!" randoms


These random school activities have my kids cheering, "Right on!" (ok, they don't actually say those two words - but they're thrilled). First off, they eat up writing prompts with funny pictures. I show them the pic, and they grab a pencil and handful of imagination and let it roll on out. We just do a rough draft - so best guess spelling and punctuation - and then have story time together.
In history, we learned about Ashurbanipal, a powerful king of the Assyrians who fought like a lion - and actually fought lions. Though he initially sounds like a pretty cruel leader, we have a soft spot for him because he was the first librarian. In fact, a few stone tablets from his collection still exist today. The trio worked dilligently in creating this Playdough recreation of Ashurbanipal on his throne, surrounded by tablets.  

Big Sis and E! could have played this rolling game all day. Roll two dice, cover the sum with your marker and see which person can use all their markers first.

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