Thursday, November 21, 2013

Homeschool bodies: The digestive system

Digestion: it's equally awesome and disgusting. The kids loved it!
We began with a paper towel esophagus leading to a gallon size freezer bag stomach that had some bile and acid in it (water). The kids then fed chunks of bread down the esophagus, and helped churn the stomach and acid until all the chunks broke down into a nice slime. Yuck.

We played a post it note game to identify the digestive system's key players.

And we pushed a plastic Easter egg through one of the girls' tights to see how the intestines must flex and push to move the waste through - no gravity help there!

They set to work on creating a digestive system for their paper bods ... ok, ok, it's not really "work" as much as play. Goof balls. :) 

So, the purple sequins is the small intestine, the pink tissue paper is the large (with a tiny green fleck of tissue paper as the appendix), the mini sandwich bag full of puff balls represents the stomach with some food in it - and there's a straw that leads into that bag for the esophagus. Also, there's a blue flat oval shaped liver pasted on back there. They did great!

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