Saturday, November 23, 2013

Happy Halloween! 2013

Going to Dad's work for indoor trick-or-treating is always a high point of the holiday.
It's hard to resist their cobwebbed file cabinets and spooky decor - not to mention the awesome treats.

Here's a group of trick-or-treaters in the conference room/party palace. I know E! looks scared (he was!) but rest assured, the zombie behind him kept whispering that everything was going to be ok and not to worry. ha! :)

Wardrobe change! On the actual holiday, we had two Rapunzels and a Captain America.

We started at Grandma and Papa's house for an early round of trick-or-treats.

Then headed to GPa and GMa's for another round - even Cozy dressed up!

The cousins came too!

And so did Aunt Les! After our neighborhood adventure and traditional chicken noodle soup dinner, everyone snuggled up for some Charlie Brown.

Oh, and here are our pumpkins for 2013. E! picked a picture of a pumpkin and we tried to carve its likeness (far left), Lil Sis did a Potato Head girl (middle) and Big Sis designed her triangle teeth pumpkin (right).

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