Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy Birthday, Dad.


This wasn't his favorite birthday. He felt pretty sick, but we tried to make the best of it.
He worked from home that day, so we took him on a lunch-hour adventure to a wildlife refuge that I had recently visited for an educational course. During the class, I had seen two wild bald eagles nesting (one was even chomping on a recent kill) and the place has a scope set up to see them. Since Alex had never seen a wild bald eagle, it seemed like a good fit.
When we got there, both eagles were away from their nest. So we went on a stroll to where a local artist began a handmade, huge, eagle nest. People are encouraged to add to the nest, weaving the wood in and out. I love stuff like this - and so do our eaglets. We could have been there all day. :)

As the gigantic gaggles of migrating Canadian geese flew through, we watched and listened with awe. Then, Alex spotted an eagle! One had returned close to the nest - yay! We went back to the scope, and the birthday boy got a good look.
That night, the kids and Grandma and Grandpa Poe surprised our Eagle Scout at his Boy Scouts meeting with a game called "Do you know Brother Poe?" and some icecream.
And as I type, he's still celebrating his birthday - by playing golf at the renound Bandon Dunes! So maybe it is  his favorite birthday after all? ;)

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