Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I am a child of God - self portraits

To kick off our new year, we had to start with an awesome art project (since that's one of their favorite activities in school!). We talked about how we're literally children of God, and since He's our king, then we're princes and princesses. We also thought about who we are individually -  our personalities, unique bodies and talents. We talked about what a gift our bodies are (we're studying the body this year!), and how Satan doesn't have a body, so he wants us to mess ours up.
Then, we studied some portraits of royalty on earth - different kings and queens of the past. We also looked at portraits of famous artists. We guessed what those people were like, based on their art. And then we got started on our own self portraits - ones that would show we're children of God. They squealed with delight at the idea! :)

We started outside, selecting paints for skin tone and coloring our faces.

Once that dried, we cut our faces out and added facial features, after a quick how-to-draw simple facial features. Hee hee. They're looking good ... but not quite identifiable yet.

Then we painted metallic designs on different colors of paper, cut them in strips and practiced our paper weaving skills. They really enjoyed this part. We also had a lesson on symmetry, then created a symmetrically starred crown. After we added some hair, the royal generation looked marvelous!

See the similarities?

Gorgeous darling, just gorgeous.

Ok, he had a wee bit of help from mama ... but his hands were involved every step of the way!

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