Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Fathers' Day!

Happy Fathers' Day to my sweet husband - he ranks among the best of the best, in our opinion!
The kiddos made him that awesome felt tie - complete with pom pom balls, a foam frog sticker and "We Love Dad" letters. He wore it with pride to church that day. :)

Then we headed over to my dad's house for a BBQ.
We love my Dad!!! Here he is playing grill master for some tasty baby back ribs.



The kids put on an after dinner play for us - of Ammon and the King.
Here's Jack being Ammon, Big narrating and King E! has fainted as if he were dead.

Sara was in the play too - I believe she's a faithful servant in this photo. :)
It was a great time!
The next day we continued our Fathers' Day celebration with Papa at the Columbia employees' store. We love Papa so! I feel so blessed to have so many amazing fathers in our lives - and most supreme is our Heavenly Father who has created this wonderful Plan of Happiness for us!

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