Tuesday, June 25, 2013


A few weeks ago, we had a ladies trip to the Ashland Hostel to visit Shar and Sid.
Adventurers included: Les, Kris, Julie, Michelle and me.
While there we saw My Fair Lady - AMAZING! - and enjoyed shopping and hanging out with female adults. :)

We got a sneak peak of this summer's outdoor arena's set.

The Farmers' Market was fabulous - I especially liked these wooden buttons and the tasty fava beans.


We made skewers one night, and ate them on the porch - delicious!

Mom showed me a yarn shop that was colorful and creative beyond our dreams!

I got home and realized I took more pics of "things" than people ... oops.
These two pics are bark from some amazing trees. The top is a huge cedar? I think?

This one is a London Plane Tree. LoVe!

Mama and me.

Aunt Shar and her London Plane Tree grove.

Laughing ladies at a pretty fountain.

Until next time! ... and oh, there will be a next time! :)

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