Friday, January 25, 2013

Randoms ...

In science we learned that God created time, space and matter.
Then we created a painting of the sky. Lil Sis (top left) calls hers "Pretty Sky," Big Sis (top right) calls hers "Reflection on the Sea."
Lil Sis has a special touch with E! when he gets cranky - she runs to get him a binki (still haven't kicked that habit yet), and his favorite stuffed animals and blankets. This day he was having a rough time, so she got him all set up and read him the children's dictionary for a bit. So cute.
We learned about frilled lizards during our Australia studies; and everyone cracked up at the YouTube videos of the lizard running on its hind legs with frill unfurled. Next thing I knew, we had two frilled lizards running around the house.
The moral of the story: Homeschooling is such a blessing in our lives. I am so thankful for the extra time with my children, and I know we'll cherish these memories for years to come!

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