Monday, November 12, 2012

Pick me for President. Election day 2012

Why would you be a good president of the United States of America?
Big Sis said, "I will protect you and be good. I will be honest and believe in Jesus Christ. I will be fair."

Lil Sis said, "I'll be a good president."
Let's sign them up for office. :)

The two "campaign posters" became part of our voting box ...

During the day we learned a tiny bit about democrats and republicans, donkeys and elephants, red and blue, and what makes a good leader. We also talked about why voting is such a blessing. At night, we voted on which veggie to have with dinner. It was a close race, but corn won by one vote.

Then the voting became more political.
Which presidential candidate? Democrat or republican? Blue or red? Donkey or Elephant?

Much like adult voters, these youngsters felt sure their vote was "right" and really wanted their selection to be declared the "winner."

Even little E! was sure. When I asked him "donkey or elephant?" He knew what he wanted - I'd tell him which box to mark, and very carefully he'd make his selection. He took this very seriously.

We took our blue and red markers and crayons to mark up our U.S. map and follow along the gigantic ice skating rink's markings on the news. Though we were disappointed with the outcome, we know we are blessed to live in this country and to be able to vote with American pride.

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

i like your voter boothes!