Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Our new names

We’re studying Native Americans at school. One Sunday night after General Conference, as I was planning ideas for the upcoming week, I told Alex that I wanted to create special Indian names for each child. He said he was already working on scripture names for them. That was news to me – and incredible news too. He said during Priesthood Session, Pres. Henry B. Eyring spoke about giving scriptures and names to his children that they could strive for and that pointed out gifts given to them from Heavenly Father. Alex already had a scripture in mind for E! and a name quickly came with it. Then, we talked about Big Sis and her gifts, talents and needs. We felt led by the Spirit to a unique name and scripture that we feel captures her potential as well as her current character. Next, we talked about Lil Sis' talents, gifts and needs. Again, we were led to a scripture and name. Just as each child is distinct, so are their scriptures and names. Alex truly led the process, and I felt included too. It was amazing – and I feel like the conversation and process followed a correct pattern of revelation. Then, Alex and I came up with scriptures and names for each other too. We prayed about our decisions, asking Heavenly Father if they were correct – and felt the confirmation of the Holy Ghost. I know I will cherish these scriptures and names; and I hope each member of our family does too.
That was several weeks ago. This week, for school, we made a totem pole to represent our "Poe tribe" and each individual in it.

Cool, huh? Each person did their own - except we all worked together on Alex's.

E!'s scripture is D&C 65:2. His name is “Rolling Stone.” First off, E! adores balls. This scripture, of a stone rolling down a hill and gaining momentum and power is absolutely perfect for him. E! has a powerful and energetic personality, he also has great physical strength and an enthusiasm for principles he’s learning about the Gospel (just hear him sing, “I will go! I will do!”). His physical and spiritual strength will continue to grow, and he will have a huge impact on those around him. We do not doubt it.

Lil Sis' scriptures are 1 Nephi 11:8-9, 22. Her name is “Loving Tree.” Lil Sis received this name because she is beautiful, precious, and bright just like the tree of life seen in Lehi and Nephi’s vision. She also likes nature and trees, and she enjoys eating sweet things, like the fruit the tree bares. J  The tree represents the Love of God, and Lil Sis is full of that love. She is a gentle and loving soul, and that love will attract many others to the Gospel and to Heavenly Father. The tree of life was white and pure, and it is important for her to stay white and pure too.

Big Sis' scriptures are 1 Nephi 9:3 to 6. Her name is “Wise Plates.” Big Sis received this name because she has a specific and wise purpose, just like the plates did. The plates were made of gold, brass or precious metals, just as she is precious. The plates were vital to the eternal salvation of many people, and Big Sis will be too through her example and missionary work. The plates have played an important role in many people’s lives, just as Big Sis does/will. Also, Big Sis loves to read. We hope her love for the scriptures will continue to grow and develop.
Mom's scripture is Ether 12:4 Her name is “Faithful Anchor.”  An anchor has been my symbol for a few years now. So, Alex looked up scriptures with the word and found this one. He says, “You have hope, you want the world to be a better place, you’re an anchor to our family and want to help everyone. You’re steadfast and abounding in good works, and glorify God and am humble. It fit perfectly.” I love it – and I love Alex for thinking highly of me. It makes me really want to be these things!

scriptures are Ether 6: 4-8. His name is “Windy Vessel.”
I gave Alex this name because he is our vessel to the promised land. Without him, there is no way to live in the Celestial Kingdom as a family – and he will lead us and take us there. His testimony is tight like a dish, not letting in the sinful waters of the world. Plus, he is constant, like the wind, blowing towards the promised land – eternal life. I am often tumultuous in emotions – up and down, stressed and worried – but his constancy brings me such assurance. I also love that our scripture names fit together – vessels and their anchors go hand-in-hand.

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