Friday, October 26, 2012

Japanese Gardens

The last time I was at the Japanese Gardens I was with Nana - and probably in middle school or maybe a freshman in high school. It's been a while. With the gorgeous fall colors, and a few more days of dry weather, G-Ma and I packed up the little ones and headed out.

Each child received a map and pencil, and the outing became a treasure hunt to locate certain items.

It was a beautiful, tranquil setting ... and though we all look still in this photo, let me just say that we weren't a tranquil group that day. E! was tired, hungry and a heavy handful! lol. There were senior groups on tours and visitors seeking refuge and silence ... and then there was us. I'm still glad we went though! And I'm thankful my mom has the desire, time and sense of humor to go on these crazy field trips with us!

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