Monday, May 07, 2012


Last week, we located Germany on the map and globe, and colored the German flag.

We decided to learn about two of German's famous authors: the Grimm Brothers.
We read a book about the pair, and learned that they went around collecting favorite fairy tales that had been passed down through German generations. Because of their love for their country, the brothers would write the tales down (adding flourish as necessary) in order to preserve a part of their homeland's tradition. Cool, huh?

So we read the Twelve Princesses, Rapunzel, Hansel and Gretel, and Little Red Riding Hood.
We talked about the typical traits of a fairy tale, and then compared the four stories.  

There are many more stories in our Grimm Brothers book waiting to be read; and so many fun projects we could do with each one. Not sure how much time we'll have, but we want to pursue more.

I wish I had a picture of the girls dressed up during our Little Red Riding Hood Day. Big Sis dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, and Lil Sis and I (and E!) were wolves. We danced to this song - on repeat - all morning. I'm sure they'd do the same sort of thing in public school ... lol. ;)

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