Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Homeschool: Insects

We began a new science unit: Insects.
We're not too far into it yet, but so far we learned a few characteristics that ALL insects have, and a list of characteristics that just some insects have. Did you know that all insects have six legs, two feelers, three body sections and a hard covering? So cool. Also so cool, for Christmas the Poes got us an awesome color printer ... I gotta say, I love that I can run upstairs, print out a list, come downstairs and go for it!

My girls can turn an insect unit totally girly ... the guidelines were to create an insect with a head, two feelers, a thorax and abdomen, and six legs. Big Sis diagrammed her princess ballerina bug - with tutu. Lil Sis designed gorgeous wings. Even our little guy got buggy ...

He had a hard week. I'm not sure if it's due to new teeth coming in, or taking a Christmas break from school and then starting up again, or the fact that we had some cold/flu bug in the house ... but he didn't have fun, and he let us know.  I hope next week is better.


Shar said...

I want to attend your school!!! :)

Shar said...

I want to attend your school!!! :)

Jes said...

I want you to attend our school too ... as the teacher!! Maybe a special guest lecturer? :)