Sunday, January 08, 2012

Happy New Year! 2012

How did you welcome 2012? We started with games and a parade, then made some "rock hard resolutions" and ended by clinkin' our glasses (of apple cider) at the drop of the ball ... east coast time. ;)

Here are the members of the parade: a pirate, a princess ballerina, a gnome, a horse, and the "masters" of the ceremony.

As for games, we played a Connect Four tournament, and many rounds of fishing 
... we had more games set out to play, but the minutes just flew by!

Next up: Rock Hard Resolutions.
Each person picked one to share. They got to write down their resolution on a rock to take home, and had their picture taken. Each person picked their own (except the little boy). Some of these crack me up ... Ok, from youngest to oldest:
He has quite an arm. And he uses it to chuck unwanted food on the floor.
Here's to a year with food on the plate!
LOL! Sleepovers at her grandparents' houses are her favorite things in the world.
We explained that resolutions are goals to make our life better .... well, hers fits the bill.

In 2012 I'm hoping to surround myself with opportunities to be inspired.
I have great plans of surrounding myself with music, books and people who inspire, and to allow enough quiet time to hear the Spirit's whisperings.
Go, Alex, Go! Can I read your first entry? :)
Positive thoughts, laughter, smiles ... We love you G-Ma!
We love you, GPa. We feel such peace around you already!
At the end of the night, we clinked glasses, and sippy cups. I loved our little guy in his make-shift cape saying "cheers" to Daddy!

Happy New Year, everyone!

1 comment:

Train Gang said...

love the resolutions. The photo with the resolution is a good idea... seems like it gives the resolver more responsibility to actually go through with it!

p.s. E.'s hair is SUPER cute.