Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Homeschool: The legend of the candy cane

"The Legend of the Candy Cane" is a cute book explaining the real symbolism behind candy canes. Super cute. After we read it, we created certificates that explain the symbol and also thank people for sharing their fantastic Christmas light displays. I got this idea from an old roomie's blog - she made random certificates for houses donned with fabulous lights, then secretly left the awards on doorsteps. We did it last year, and had a blast - so we did it again this year with a candy cane twist.

If anyone wants to do this at their house, just e-mail me (or leave a comment with your e-mail address) and I'll send you the pdf.

While the big girls focused on their project, our little boy pulled red and green foam circles out of a Kleenex box ... then put them back in. It didn't last long, but at least he felt like he had something to do.


The Babkm5 said...

I would love that pdf...please send to me.


What a cute idea and new family tradition to start.

The Babkm5 said...
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