Friday, September 16, 2011

Tell me the stories of Jesus

Each morning starts with time for "Stories of Jesus". We began with the beginning ... the creation. Our scripture of the week that the girls memorized is Genesis 1:31 "And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." The Spirit was strong as we talked about all the good things created, about Adam and Eve, and about what the Garden of Eden was like compared to the world we live in now. Most of the time is spent reading, talking and looking at pictures - one activity we did involved a new Crayola marker that's designed for use on windows. We drew our Garden of Eden, and they loved it.

"Stories of Jesus" is followed by "Reading Rainbow" where each child gets one-on-one time with Mom and a book. Everyone can pick if they want to listen or do their own thing. Big Sis is reading her first American Girl book; she selected a story about a girl named Kit who lived in the time of the Depression. Lil Sis is reading a lot of alphabet books and Baby Boy loves animal books.

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