Sunday, August 07, 2011

Oh what do you do in the summer time?

Yay! It's summer. And the Little Man finally got his birthday present.
Big Sis sacrificed her pink chair cover so we could get this one. :)

Swim lessons! Here's Little Sis blowing bubbles!

Here's Big Sis dunkin' her face in the water! This is great progress!

G-Ma took us to the kids' first movie in a theatre: Winnie the Pooh! The little ones brought their stuffed animals, and couldn't wait to see a movie on a big screen.

So cute.

We practically had the theatre to ourselves (which was perfect - because the baby boy didn't want to be quiet or sit too still for too long).

Playing in a box. Doesn't he look huge? He is. He's 20 lbs. 15 oz.
But Big Sis really is bigger than him ... for now.

To get ready for Pioneer Day, the girls practiced doing laundry outside.
They were focused ... and fast.

At a library summer concert. Fun.

The girls and I ran a little race (I think it was .5 miles.), and Alex did a 3K.
One of my YW put on this physical fitness event.

Picnics. Lots and lots of picnics.

Ha ha. Love this one.

Goofin' around outside a local farm. We had bought an old-fashioned rootbeer, and the girls drank it straight from the brown bottle. Didn't look right, but tasted great!

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