"What's the problem, officer?" I asked. He told me I had been driving outside of my lane for a block, then back in my lane, and then out again. He had thought I was "impaired." I honestly laughed out loud and apologized for allowing our rockin' song to rule the road. He sweetly said, "I see you have more important things to take care of. Let me just go run your driver's license; you're obviously sober."
When he came back, I thanked him and mentioned that my husband was probably freaking out since he was in the car before me. The cop quickly quipped, "Tell him his headlight is out. I actually turned around to pull him over, but then I saw you swerve and I thought, 'headlight or impaired minivan?'"
So, the whole situation was actually a blessing!!! If he would have pulled over Alex, we would have a ticket to pay. Heavenly Father sure looks over us with tender mercies. In the future, we'll tone down our driving dance parties and fix that headlight.
This is a super funny story. When I read it on FB I relayed it to Robb and I said you were dancing in the car and so the cop thought you were impaired...to which he responded...she had to be swerving or the cop wouldn't have pulled her over. That picture was even funnier to imagine. I LOVE what being a parent makes people do...situations you NEVER thought you'd be in huh? SOO glad you were there to save Alex (even though I'm pretty sure there was some innocent flirting going on, no?)
oh also! Sorry about Katie. The pictures were sweet. I don't think I've ever seen you hold an animal with affection like that (holding animal feet??!!?) so I know how special she is.
Your story made me laugh tonight as I was sitting at work bored. I see many cops out at 2am headed home from work. Have had a couple even follow me, not that I was doing anything wrong, but probably because they were bored.
Heavenly Father really does bless us in many ways!
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