Here he is at 5 months old ... it's been a busy, busy month for this little guy. He can now roll with ease, blow raspberries and babble, and sleep 7 hours at night!!!

He also had his first X-ray. Here he is on the exam table. Daddy accidentally fell down the stairs with/on him. After four days, the babe wouldn't put his weight on one leg, so we had to have a doc check him out ... he's fine. If anything, now I feel more guilty about having him exposed to the radiation.

His hand coordination is improving. He loves holding stuffed animals and sucking on anything he can find. Today, while folding the girls' laundry, he started to play this game:
So cute!
And this week he had his first flavored food: green beans. Um, he's not a fan. At all. This cracks me up:
Oh Boy! He DOES NOT like those green beans! Too funny!!!
Poor guy. We watched it quite a few times. haha. Too funny. He definitely did NOT like those green beans. I know some of my kids haven't been the biggest fans of certain foods, but I don't think I've ever gotten quite that reaction before. haha.
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