Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!

We're slightly slackers, so we're just posting our Christmas card photo vs. mailing a hundred copies and cards. But even though this didn't come through snail mail, please know we're wishing everyone a holiday of peace.

And since I never do newsletters in my cards, I'll just bullet point some highlights and blessings from this year:

~KPMG hiring Alex
~Buying and moving into our first home!
~Avery and every single thing about her :)
~Expecting to add another member to our family
~James and Michelle having Baby Jack
~Living close to family
~Good health and loving relationships
~Fun PR freelance opportunities for Jessica
~And most of all - growing testimonies of our Savior, Jesus Christ

And with that, I'll close with my favorite saying during Christmastime (and fitting for anytime): Wise Men Still Seek Him.


jeremyandholly said...

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY PICTURE!!! avery's dress is really cute and your hair looks GREAT...i love the color:)

[RochelleG] said...

jessica, i need your address so i can send you our christmas card! thanks, rochelle