Friday, December 28, 2007

It's a ...........

We're having another girl!!! TWO GIRLS! SISTERS! AH! We're so blessed!

We opened the ultrasound results on Christmas morning - here we are finding out that another female will join us in May.


Jer & Cort Smith said...

Yeah! That is so exciting to have another girl. We are excited to have sisters close together also, lots of drama but so much fun. Jessica I hope that you are feeling well and I also hope that your family had a good Christmas.


Raina said...

YEAH!!! Another girl!!! You had such a perfect girl the first time, it only seems appropriate that you bring another one to the world! Congrats!

Brian, Emily, Ashley, and Brody said...

Congratulations! It will be so fun for Avery to have a little sister and you're all prepared with everything from Avery I'm sure. Glad to hear that you had a good Christmas. I'm sure Raina told you that I ran into her at Safeway. I'll let you guys know the next time we're in town and we'll have to get together. Hope the pregnancy is going well, you look great.

Kendall said...

Congrats!! I think girls are wonderful. I love love love having a sister. Plus, now my girls have perfect playmates just their age.

Jamie said...

Wow! Congrats! Like me, you never had a sister and think of all the bonding, laughing and late nights we missed out on. I think it's great that Avery will have all of the blessings that come with having a sister.

Bonnie said...

We are so excited for you guys! Congrats, and can't wait to meet the new bundle in May.
Love ya :)

Train Gang said...

what an exciting christmas! this will be hard to top! you are having a girl, a new kitchen set and a WHITE christmas!!!!

Steve and Amanda said...

So it has been a while since I looked at blogs. your daughter is so cute, loved the professional pics. Congrats on having another girl. We just went to Disneyworld this past week with my parents and sister's fun! And my little 7 months old is 18 lbs. already and off the charts in height so I am guessing she is almost Avery's height!!!

jeremyandholly said...

A GIRL!! how awesome! i want jane to have a sister so day;) congrats to your sweet family! hope your feeling good!
p.s. where did you get avery's cute kitchen??

Anonymous said...

Sugar and spice... honestly you guys know how to make cool baby girls so really no worries. YEAH! What a great Christmas SURPRISE!

Knit Wit said...

Congratulations!!Our girls are close in age and it's been so much fun. My oldest tells me her little sister is her best friend. So Sweet!!

Good Luck!!

The Houstons said...

Congratulations!!! That's so fun for Avery to get a new little sister. That's also less clothes to buy. Fun Stuff!!!

Shonda said...

oh, my goodness!!! You're going to LOVE it! Now you will start seeing all those cute matching sister clothes while your shopping!