Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Disney World magic

Alex’s annual training is in Orlando this year … so we decided to go a weekend early and make a vacation out of it. And for the first time ever, we left Avery with her grandparents overnight (they did such a fabulous job of caring for her! Thank you!). Alex and I saw EPCOT, Magic Kingdom and strolled Downtown Disney. We had a wonderful time together. And just as a side note, if I look sick or slightly pregnant in these pics – it’s because I am! My cold is finally on the way out – but boy, it was a doozy.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you two enjoyed some magical moments at Disney World! And, Jes, sick or not, you're look as beautiful as always. Thanks for sharing your vacation with us! ~Love, Shar

jeremyandholly said...

HOW FUN!! we LOVE disneyland/world!! jeremy and i secretly want to go withOUT our children...i'm a little jealous of you!
...and you look rather beautiful for being prego and not feeling well. :)